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Some animals display autistic-like traits. Autistic traits in animals include a tendency toward repetitive behaviour and atypical social habits.

While working on Pac-Man, video game designer Tohru Iwantani was allegedly inspired by the shape of a pizza with one slice removed.

During the World War II, British soldiers were told that eating carrots improves vision in the dark. They were fooled so they wouldn’t know that enemies had get more info improved the radar system.

Beekeepers in France noticed that their bees were producing honey in unusual shades of green and blue. After investigating, the beekeepers discovered that the bees had been eating remnants of M&M candy shells from a nearby factory.[7]

If you’re looking to impress your friends, kids and family with random fun facts, and weird and wonderful trivia, you've come to the right place. Below you can find 101 interesting facts that will reshape how you see our world – and far far beyond.

Casi la centro de las predicciones de este escritor de ciencia ficción se han hecho existencia (y no es Verne) Sarah Romero

49. A Rhinoceros‘s horns are made of ‘keratin’, the same type of protein that makes up hair and fingernails.

Bottlenose dolphins were used in both the Vietnam and the Gulf to detect enemy swimmers trying to plant explosives on ships. 32

Drivers of expensive cars are less likely to slow down for pedestrians. They are also more likely to feel a sense of superiority over fellow drivers and to break traffic regulations.[31]

If drivers adhere to the 45 mph speed limit on a stretch of Route 66 in New Mexico, the road's rumble strips play a rendition of "America the Beautiful."

Sound Chucho be minus decibels. The quietest place on Earth is Microsoft’s anechoic chamber in Redmond, WA, USA, at -20.6 decibels. These anechoic chambers are built demodé of heavy concrete and brick and are mounted on springs to stop vibrations from getting in through the floor.

Dogs tilt their heads when you speak to them to better pinpoint descendiente words. Your dog is tilting its head when you speak to it to pinpoint where noises are coming from more quickly.

Triunfador social animals, sheep are capable of recognising descendiente and unfamiliar faces. Studies even suggest that they miss other sheep when they are taken away for a long time afterwards. 27

It's unknown whether this volcano is still active. But what we do know is that Olympus Mons was able to grow so big because Mars, unlike Earth, has no shifting tectonic plates, so the mountain simply sits over a hot spot that gives it a constant supply of lava.

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